Calls have been made for the Welsh Government to provide one of Mid Wales’ largest employers with urgent support after it announced nearly 100 job losses at its Newtown factory.

Eluned Morgan, Senedd Member for Mid and West Wales, has written to Wales’ Economy Minister Vaughan Gething calling him to take swift action to secure the future of the company and its employees.

Ms Morgan said: “These job losses aren't just numbers on a page, they're families thrown into uncertainty.”

Control Techniques, which manufactures speed drives, is a major employer in Newtown and the surrounding area. The news of the job losses has come as a devastating blow to the local community, raising concerns about the impact on the regional economy and the livelihoods of those affected.


In her letter to the Economy Minister, Ms Morgan highlighted the importance of Control Techniques to Mid Wales.

She said: “The announcement of job losses at Control Techniques is deeply concerning. This is a significant employer in Newtown and the surrounding area, and the impact of these job losses will be felt far and wide.

“I urge the Welsh Government to work with Control Techniques to explore all possible options for saving jobs and securing the future of the company in Newtown. This includes providing financial support, if necessary, and working to identify potential new markets or opportunities for the business.


"The Welsh Government has a proud history of investing in Newtown and mid and west Wales, and I'm confident they'll continue this support in the face of Control Techniques' challenges.”

Ms Morgan also expressed her support for the workers affected by the announcement and called for the Welsh Government to provide them with all necessary assistance during this difficult time.

Last week, Minister for Rural Affairs and North Wales Lesley Griffiths MS told the Senedd that the Economy Minister's officials were told by Nidec that the company would shortly be making the announcement.

"A very devastating announcement of the loss of 98 manufacturing jobs," she said.

"The Minister has asked his officials to continue to meet with the company to offer employees support through ReAct, Business Wales and other Welsh Government support that's available to the impacted workers."