A FLEDGLING Powys archery club has reached a milestone after celebrating its first anniversary.

The Llanwrtyd Wells-based Cambrian Archers marked the occasion on Sunday, May 12, with an event open to the public that coincided with Archery GB’s ‘Start Archery Week’.

The Cambrian Archers are a not-for-profit community group which has grown significantly since its inception and now attracts participants from as far afield as Hay-on-Wye. The well-trained coaches provide one-on-one and group teaching on a Tuesday evening and Sunday afternoons and cater for a wide range of abilities.


People are also encouraged to become a member and attend either one session or just ‘shoot a few arrows’.

One of its founders, Suzanne Clifton, said: “We have been amazed at the response we have received and how quickly the club has grown. 

“We are indebted to the financial support from the community particularly from local businessman Paul Newman and Lofftwen Forest Farms which has augmented our initial funding from Sports Wales. 

“This has enabled the club to provide a wide range of equipment and a purpose-built storage facility.”

County Times:  The club is looking to develop a junior team. The club is looking to develop a junior team. (Image: Cambrian Archers)

Experience nationally has shown that children benefit significantly from the sport especially relating to mental health and it is apparent that providing the opportunity for local children to participate is extremely well received. 

“While the club is able to provide equipment for adults and very young children, demand is such that it we are looking to develop a junior team and build on the promise of a group of youngsters who currently attend the free training sessions,” added Suzanne.

“To achieve this, new equipment is needed specifically for the seven to 14 age range and we are seeking sponsorship to purchase the items necessary to realise this ambition.”

Anyone who would like more details about becoming a member or local businesses who are willing to provide an element of sponsorship should contact Cambrian Archers via email on cambrianarchers@outlook.com, on Facebook or by phoning 0740 3845859.