RESIDENTS in Llandrindod Wells have rallied round a plan to restore and perhaps even take ownership of an historic town structure that has fallen into disrepair.

The signal box at the town’s railway station has deteriorated in poor weather and since the pandemic, and is in need of urgent repairs. But locals have rallied round a plan to restore it to its former glory.

Owen Griffkin, the community rail officer for the Heart of Wales Line, put out a social media post at the beginning of May, asking for feedback from the local community, and he said the response has been “brilliant”.

“I am looking at possibilities for the signal box on Llandrindod station platform,” said Owen in his post on Facebook.

“Is there any desire within the community to bring it back into local community ownership?


“I think it has had a tough winter and needs urgent repairs. Before I approach Network Rail and organisations such as the Railway Heritage Trust I need to have a strong community support to help make a case.

“If I get a good response then I can look at setting up a meeting or group to look at next steps.”

Owen’s post attracted over 100 responses. He added: “It was brilliant to see so much support from the community to the signal box being restored to its former glory.

“We need to secure the building in the short term as it has deteriorated in the wet weather over the last year and I have contacted Network Rail about this.

“Once this is done then we can look at a long-term plan that the community can help shape.

“With a listed building that is also on railway property there are a lot of regulations and red tape to consider but seeing this reaction from everyone makes me think that it might be worth persevering with.

“Our Facebook recently had 300,000 visitors in a month due to the increased attention from a steam train visit and Transport for Wales’ proposed timetable changes, and this is more proof of how connected the community feels with the railway.”

County Times:  The signal box has deteriorated in poor weather and since the pandemic, and is in need of urgent repairs. The signal box has deteriorated in poor weather and since the pandemic, and is in need of urgent repairs. (Image: Owen Griffkin)

County Times: Owen Griffkin is the community rail development officer for the Heart of Wales Line.Owen Griffkin is the community rail development officer for the Heart of Wales Line. (Image: PAVO)

Scores of people reacted to the suggestion and said they would be keen to either be involved in helping to restore it or even become members of a cooperative to run the signal box.

“Count me in if there is a need for volunteers or someone to join a ‘Friends of Llandrindod Signal Box’ or similar (group),” said Jeremy Andrews.

“This is an important historic part of our town and it would be very sad to see it go into further neglect and decline.”

Gareth Manning said: “It was always a popular attraction. I’m sure it could be an asset to the town again.”

Helena Evans added: “It is a very visible element for those coming to Llandrindod by rail and even bus.

“It can be seen by everyone who comes Friday to the market, crosses the rail footbridge, etc. It is too visible to just be left to deteriorate.

“If it is listed then, why isn't the current owner asked to carry out effective repair. If this cannot be done, then community ownership must be the way forward.”

If anyone has any suggestions or would like to help out, email