A NEWTOWN man will be sentenced later this month for committing a string of offences, including sending one victim a menacing message and intimidating a witness.

Andrew Peter Tanswell, 58, appeared at Welshpool Magistrates’ Court this week, where a drink driving offence was added to the list of charges against him.

Tanswell will be sentenced for a total of six offences at the end of the month. He has entered guilty pleas to all six charges.


Magistrates heard on Tuesday, October 3, that Tanswell, of Sunlea, Newtown, pursued a course of conduct between May 19 and September 9 this year which amounted to harassment.

It is said Tanswell repeatedly sent his victim numerous unwanted, abusive, oppressive and inappropriate messages, as well as her children and sister’s partner.

The intimidating a witness charge relates to between August 24 and September 9, when he repeatedly sent threatening messages.

Between August 28-31, Tanswell also sent a menacing message to another victim that was said to have been grossly offensive or obscene in nature.

He pleaded guilty to these three matters on September 11 and a pre-sentence report has been ordered.

County Times:

He might have been sentenced this week but new offences of drink driving, driving without a licence and without insurance came to light. These occurred on September 17 on Newtown’s Pool Road, when Tanswell was driving a VW Passatt.

He was breathalysed and a reading found there to be 41 micrograms of alcohol in his system – the legal drink drive limit is 35 micrograms.

He admitted guilt in relation to the three new charges at Tuesday’s hearing.

Prosecutor Helen Tench said it made sense to sentence Tanswell for all offences at the same time, which his solicitor Matthew Davies agreed with.

Sentencing was delayed until October 24. In the meantime, Tanswell will receive an interim driving ban, while his conditional bail will continue.