A PRESTEIGNE man who drank around seven pints of cider before getting behind the wheel of his work car and crashing it was found to be nearly three-and-a-half times the legal limit.

Mark Weiland, who was also found in possession of cocaine but had not taken any of the Class A drug after drinking at Knighton Carnival, was banned from driving for two-and-a-half years last week.

Weiland, 35, appeared at Llandrindod Wells Magistrates’ Court on Wednesday, September 13, where he admitted drink driving and possessing cocaine.

The court heard Weiland, of Townend, Presteigne, pulled out in front of black truck, nearly hitting it, after getting in his Toyota Verso, then crashed into railings before attempting to drive off, but crashed again.


The incident happened on Bridge Street, in Knighton, on August 26. Weiland was arrested and, when breathalysed, found to have 122 micrograms of alcohol in his breath – the legal limit is just 35 mcgs.

Prosecutor Suzanne Cartwright said the incident occurred at around 5pm. “The defendant was driving his vehicle, and when he turned onto Bridge Street he pulled out in front of black truck, nearly hitting it,” she said.

“He went across the road and crashed into railings owned by the council. He reversed and attempted to drive off but crashed again into railings 30 metres up the road.

“Officers arrived and administered a breath test. Drugs were found in a white ziplock bag. He said they were for his own use. He had not taken any drugs prior to driving.

“He said he had been attending Knighton Carnival and had drunk about six or seven pints. He couldn’t remember getting in his vehicle, and the next thing he knew was hitting the railings.

“He said he has never done anything like this before and didn’t know why he did. Asked if he was fit to drive, he said to officers ‘definitely not’.

“He told them it was ‘out of character’ and he was shocked by what he’d done. He was co-operative, he said he didn’t want a solicitor as he realised he’d done wrong.”

Ms Cartwright said Weiland was of previous clean character.

County Times:

Acting for Weiland, who is chairman of Presteigne St Andrews Football Club, Owain Jones said: “He acknowledges how serious this is and he is prepared for the worst.

“He cooperated with police on the scene, he stayed on the scene before they arrived. There is an indication of genuine remorse. He has never been in trouble before. As stated he was shocked by what he did. He is most disappointed in himself."

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Magistrates ordered a pre-sentence report and heard from probation officer Gareth Jenkins, who said: “He was honest about how his actions could have caused injury or death to him or other road users."

Magistrates, who could have considered a custodial sentence, said they would “remain within their guidelines” and give Weiland a high-range community order.

The order will last for 12 months and include 200 hours of unpaid work. He must pay a £114 surcharge and £85 costs.

The drugs were ordered to be destroyed, and he received a 30-month disqualification.