THE cost-of-living crisis has claimed another small business in Llandrindod Wells after a tea room and café announced it is closing – having served the community for more than a decade.

Ross and Ruth Lee, proprietors of the popular Portland House Tea Room on the spa town’s Spa Road, say it is “costing more to be open than shut”, which is why they have come to the sad decision to shut at the end of April.

In a morose post on their Facebook page, they said: “Dear customers, after much deliberation and late night chats Ruth and I have made the very hard decision to shut Portland House Tea Room down on the 29th April.

“This has not been a choice taken lightly but due to rising costs, lack of footfall and some health issues we have no choice as it is costing more to be open than shut.


“Covid changed a lot of things for everyone including habits of staying at home and with a lot of people working from home we have lost a lot of customers. Also, with rising costs, everybody has less disposable income and eating out is becoming a luxury for most.

“We would like to thank all our regulars and visitors that have used us over the last 12 years, whom many have become good friends. We would also like to thank all the staff that have worked with us over the years and we wish everyone a great future.

“Please support us over the last few weeks as we need to empty our fridges and freezers. It will be sad to see another space shut but we really hope everyone will support other local businesses so there are not more. Love to all, Ross and Ruth Lee.”

The closure is another sad spa town loss following the closure of the J Williams and Son Butchers shop earlier this year, after half a century of serving local residents.


County Times:

Meanwhile, the Glen Usk Hotel, just up the road from Portland House, has been dormant for several years. The town’s Aromas Coffee Shop took the decision to permanently close amid the chaos of coronavirus, although it did later reopen, after more than a year closed.

“Lovely cafe run by lovely people,” said June Evans, reacting to the news.

“A sad loss to Llandrindod. Wishing you better health and lots of happiness in the future. Thank you for many great lunches and breakfasts.”

Others were similarly sorry to hear the news, with Jeremy Andrews adding: “This is sad news, but understandable. Your tea room will be missed.

“Every time I came in the food was always excellent (best in town) and service always friendly and professional.”

Teresa Jane Bufton summed it up by saying “Sadly, Covid has changed so much”, while another business owner, newsagent Michael Hodges, fears more closures could be on the horizon.

He said: “Good luck for the future; we feel your pain at coming to this decision. You’re not the first and will not be the last over the next few months.”

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