THE AGM of Dolau W I was held on Wednesday, February 8, at Dolau Village Hall, followed by the regular monthly meeting.

The AGM adopted the financial statement and the annual report. The organisation’s bank balance remains healthy and the report reminded the members of the many enjoyable meetings and trips we have had now regular in person activities are fully resumed.

These included visits to Farmers Welsh Lavender Farm, Restorella, in Knighton and the grounds and gardens at Gregynog as well as talks and demonstrations by Wendy of Wendy's Bygone Bags and florist Jayne Griffiths among many others.

Members then selected the committee and officers for the upcoming year. Jackie Smith accepted the position of president with Janet Edmunds taking on the role of treasurer as well as scrapbook compiler. Chris Jones took on the secretary role supported by Cynthia Shepperd as minutes secretary. Heather Lewis agreed to serve as vice president and Christine Haslock as press officer.


County Times:

Dolau WI members get involved in rag rug making.

Opening the regular meeting, Jackie outlined the programme for the next few meetings which will include an evening of sugarcraft on March 1 and a demonstration of Italian cookery on April 5 as well as our postponed circus workshop on Saturday, April 15, at 2pm. Posters are on display for this event which is open to adults aged 16 and over and Dolau WI members agreed to publicise this on Facebook.

We then recorded our votes for the resolution to forwarded to the Powys Radnor Federation and were informed of upcoming federation events including the federation centenary tea, a whist drive at Llanddewi and the County Show on May 20.

Regarding the centenary, our own Cynthia Sheppard has won the competition to design a centenary brooch for the federation and the picture shows her with her winning design. Cynthia also reported on the federation centenary anniversary service which she attended. Llandrindod Bowls Club's upcoming taster session for women was advertised before we moved on to our activity for the evening.

Dolau WI member Debra Coombs is skilled in many crafts and introduced us to rag rug making. Many of us could remember our grandmothers having or making such items, using up scraps of fabric to create a cosy fireside rug.

The WI County Show this year features a rag rug competition so Debra showed us how to start before several of us had a go ourselves. The pictures show Debra teaching us what to do before members took their work home to finish – we look forward to seeing some of them finished at the County Show.

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