A POWYS father has been told he should be ashamed of himself after he assaulted his former partner while she was holding their infant son.

Benjamin Rae was this week told to pay £300 compensation to his ex-partner, after causing her actual bodily harm at her Llandrindod Wells home on November 2 last year.

Rae, 29, admitted assault at a hearing last month. He appeared for sentence at Llandrindod Wells Magistrates’ Court on Wednesday, May 22.

Rae committed the assault at an address in Noyadd Close, Llandrindod, after his partner had fallen out with his mother – earlier in the day he had threatened to push her down the stairs.

James Sprunks, prosecuting, said: “A friend of the victim phoned police concerned for her, after being told the defendant had threatened to push her down stairs while holding their one-year-old.”


Police were called shortly after 10pm on November 2. The friend said she’d been on the phone to the victim, who said she was holding her one-year-old child when her partner threatened to push her down the stairs. The victim said the defendant had hit her earlier.

The defendant called the victim a bad mother and at one point, as they were crossing on the stairs, he pushed her head, knocking off her glasses, while she was holding their son. Police arrived to hear him insulting her, Mr Sprunks said.

Reading her victim impact statement, Mr Sprunks added: “The break-up has been hard to deal with, and has affected the children. I now have to be mother and father to them.”

Rae, now of Lon Glanyrafon, Newtown, had no previous convictions but some cautions, including for assault. Mr Sprunks said the victim had requested a restraining order.

Huw Williams, representing Rae, said: “Thankfully the incident was short lived, it was impulsive.

“He accepts his behaviour was inappropriate towards his partner and in the presence of children.

“He has been voluntarily attending kaleidoscope (drug and alcohol organisation); he realises he has got to sort out his cannabis problem.

County Times:

“He made a big error but hopefully he will learn his lesson.”

Ingrid Gallagher, chair of the bench, told Rae: “This was unacceptable behaviour. You should be ashamed of yourself.”

Magistrates ordered him to comply with a 12-month community order, which will include 15 rehabilitation activity days and 200 hours of unpaid work.

They said he will pay his former partner £300 compensation, while he also has to pay a £114 surcharge and £85 costs.

They granted a restraining order, which will also last for 12 months. The order prevents him from communicating or approaching the victim, except for via a third party; he must not go within 100m of her address; and no data about her is to be entered on social media.