Ysgol Llanfyllin is celebrating its first Estyn Report after it was amalgamated into an all ages school.

The school received a largely positive Estyn report which praised the school ethos of ‘dysgu gyda’n gilydd, tyfu gyda’n gilydd’, ‘together we learn; together we grow’ which Inspectors said “has successfully nurtured a community where most pupils feel supported and safe”.

In their report they found that “Teachers and support staff foster positive working relationships with pupils. In a few cases, where teaching is strongest, teachers ensure an appropriate pace to learning and have high expectations.

“The majority of teachers plan suitably to meet pupils’ needs, give clear explanations and check for progress regularly

“Most pupils in the sixth form make sound progress and display extremely positive attitudes towards their learning.”


Chair of Governors at the school, Mr Graeme Hunter was very pleased with the report and said: “For a school that only amalgamated just over three years ago, the Estyn report is a welcome acknowledgment of all the work that has been accomplished.

“Estyn recognises the strengths of Ysgol Llanfyllin, in particular the strong safeguarding and wellbeing culture that is at the heart of the school.

“The recommendations that Estyn has given the school emphasises the school's own understanding of the progress it has made and will continuing to make in preparing all learners for their own individual roles in society.”

Estyn was not universally happy with everything in the report and noted that “in a minority of cases, shortcomings in teaching, particularly in the cyfnod uwchradd, (secondary) lead to pupils becoming disengaged in their learning and making less progress than they should” and that leadership has not had enough impact on the quality of teaching” in this area.

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However, overall they were in praise of the leadership of the school and said: “The headteacher provides assured and careful leadership underpinned by a strong moral purpose. Alongside the senior leadership team, they continue to develop the culture of an all-age school.

“Leaders have successfully created a strong safeguarding culture across the school and ensured that pupils generally feel safe and supported.”

Headteacher Dewi Owen said he was happy with the report overall but would be working to fix those areas of concern raised by the inspection.

"I am incredibly proud of the achievements of the pupils and staff of our young school,” said Mr Owen. “This report strongly reflects our core values of care, support and safeguarding. Most importantly, Estyn have recognised that we are a happy school with ‘Teulu’ (Welsh for family) at its heart.”

“The school is already acting on the areas of improvement that have been identified by Estyn and is actively strengthening the plans in these areas to meet the recommendations.”