A man has been detained in prison after being charged with attempted murder at a mental health hospital in Powys.

James Griffiths, 23, is also accused of an alternative charge of causing grievous bodily harm at Bronllys Hospital, near Brecon, over an alleged incident on April 3.

His Honour Judge Paul Thomas KC told the defendant that he must remain in prison in Swansea until his next crown court hearing on July 8.

Griffiths appeared at his plea and trial preparation hearing at Swansea Crown Court on Monday, May 13, via video link from HMP Swansea wearing a grey t-shirt and a distinctive neck tattoo.

County Times: Bronllys Hospital, near Brecon.Bronllys Hospital, near Brecon. (Image: Jaggery/Geograph.org)


Asked by the court to confirm his name, Griffiths responded: "I am an orphan with the Jehovah's Witness programme. I don't have a name".

The prosecution barrister told the judge that it was "not surprising" that Griffiths' fitness to plead was being explored adding that a psychiatric report by Dr Owen Davies is expected to be ready by the end of June.

The court also heard that the forensics results "will take a little longer" and is expected by late August "because of the scale of the submissions".

The barrister added that there had been "no further update as yet" after Griffiths' solicitor received a call that their client will be sectioned but remains at HMP Swansea.