A Newtown after school club has been given the highest possible rating after a recent inspection.

The Kids World Out of School Club based at the Northside Centre in Newtown was lavished with praise by the Care Inspectorate of Wales (CIW) for having “a very clear vision for the club which they run highly effectively”.

The club, which is run at the centre by the same team as Little World Day Nursery based on Milford Road, was found to give children “an exceptionally strong voice and freedom to make choices and decisions about what they do and how they spend their time" and was given the highest rating of 'excellent'.

“Children are confident communicators and consistently manage their own time as they move freely around the setting. They have excellent opportunities to develop and learn from the experiences and opportunities available to them.”

Owner Lydia Waters was overjoyed with the report and hailed the effort and professionalism of the staff.

“We are extremely proud of this inspection report which is testament to the hard work of our talented and dedicated team," said Ms Waters.

“We strive to provide the best possible environment for our children and are delighted this has been recognised.”


In their inspection CIW found that “the children behave extremely well. They know the boundaries of the club and happily cooperate with the rules and routines.”

Inspectors heaped praise on the staff and the working environment and said: “Staff are knowledgeable and experienced and promote children’s health and well-being effectively.

“They work very well together to keep children safe whilst being sensitive to their aims to allow children to play freely and unhindered. Staff confidently provide a child-led setting whilst being available to children if they want or need support.”

“Staff are excellent role models for children, they are enthusiastic, motivated and show genuine enjoyment in the children’s company, treating them with respect and listening to their views. This helps children develop self-esteem and a sense of belonging.”

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This was put down to the leadership at the club which was described as “highly effective”.

In the report, inspectors added: “Leaders have an excellent vision for the club and work very well with staff to deliver this.

“They develop a very positive ethos and support staff to have an excellent understanding of their roles and responsibilities.”

“Staff we spoke to said they enjoy working at the club and feel well supported.

“Leaders develop effective relationships with parents. They gather all relevant information about children before they start at the club so they can meet their individual needs.”