AN innovative Powys pub has become one of few 100 per cent gluten free and dairy free restaurants in Wales.

Knighton’s George and Dragon Inn announced earlier this month that its menu would be going dairy free, having gone gluten free last September.

It is currently awaiting Coeliac UK accreditation but the pub has been transformed under the guidance of head chef Malcolm Campbell, who has said previously there can be no excuse for making customers feel awkward or turning them away due to their food intolerances and allergies.

“We are now the first restaurant in Wales to go completely 100 per cent gluten free and dairy free, (of businesses) registered with Coeliac UK, accreditation pending,” says Malcolm, 52, who came aboard as the pub’s head chef last April.

“We are providing a safe haven for individuals with a dairy allergy, intolerance, coeliac disease and gluten intolerance, allowing friends and family a zero risk of cross contamination as no dairy or gluten production occurs on our premises.

“We are pioneering the way for culinary excellence for all dietary needs.

“If you do not have a natural love for your customer, you will never go that extra mile in their name.”

After the George and Dragon announced it would also be going dairy free on its Facebook page on April 4, one potential customer said she was planning a visit – despite living three hours away. 

County Times:  Head chef Malcolm Campbell. Head chef Malcolm Campbell. (Image: George and Dragon Inn)

One responder said: “I’m super happy about this. I was already in awe that 90 per cent of the menu was dairy free, so this is a great forward step.

“It will include those who can eat either gluten or dairy, as well as those who have both needs.

“It's hard to find dishes (particularly anything for dessert other than sorbet) which suits a combined diet. So, thank you.”

Another commenter said: “This is absolutely amazing. I always struggle to find places that can cater for both coeliacs and lactose intolerance. Thank you.

“It's so, so common for many coeliacs and gluten intolerant to also suffer with lactose intolerance, so yay.”

Malcolm is an ex-Army catering officer and ex-microbiologist with a medical degree.

County Times:  The George and Dragon Inn announced earlier this month that its menu would be going dairy free, having gone gluten free last September. Credit George and Dragon Inn The George and Dragon Inn announced earlier this month that its menu would be going dairy free, having gone gluten free last September. Credit George and Dragon Inn (Image: The George & Dragon Inn)

He has been a head chef for over 30 years and represented the British Forces at various national and international competitions, winning three culinary medals.

He was a finalist in the Chef of the Year Army competition twice and an International Chef of the Year finalist in the Combined Services Culinary Arts competition too.

He was hired by the George and Dragon’s owners Justin and Helen Rees, who had previously run the pub, and have taken it back on after a break, with a vision of returning it to being the go-to place in town.

Justin and Helen wanted something a bit special when it came to the cuisine for the revamped menu.

Malcolm, previously head chef for seven years at the Lakeside Golf Course in Garthmyl, and his desire to take the menu both gluten and dairy free is certainly helping the pub stand out.