Welshpool’s Mayor has made a plea to the town’s dog walkers after being “disgusted” by the extent of dog fouling in town.

Welshpool Mayor, Cllr Nick Howells, has urged local dog walkers to be more responsible when using the town’s Meas-Y-Dre fields, noting an issue with fouling in the area.

Cllr Howells said that he visited the area to observe the issue first hand after several complaints and concerns raised by the local sports clubs dealing with the issue by what has been described as an “irresponsible minority”.


He said: “It’s a big ongoing problem with some inconsiderate individuals still allowing their dogs to mess on the sports pitches without picking it up.

“I know this is a minority, but I am also calling on any other responsible dog owners to report anyone they see doing it. It has to stop.

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“I am absolutely disgusted that our sports men and woman , including the youngsters are being exposed to this excrement which as well as being disgusting presents a serious health hazard.”

Welshpool Town Council also noted a similar problem arising in Guilsfield, which resulted in a complete ban on dogs accessing the sports fields was put in place with a ‘sting motion camera’ placed by volunteers to catch offenders.

Cllr Howells added that while those measures did help Guilsfield enforce the ban, he hopes similar measures will not be needed in Welshpool, adding that increased public awareness to help monitor and avoid the problem can bring an end to the issue.