A proposal has been put forward to extract millions of litres of water a year from under a Powys quarry.

Natural Resources Wales and Tarmac Trading Ltd have put forward a proposal to extract water from an underground strata from a quarry in Old Radnor.

 The plans would see 633 cubic metres of water being extracted from underneath Gore Quarry every hour.


This would lead to an estimated 5,698 cubic meters of water being extracted every day – the equivalent of nearly two Olympic sized swimming pools of water.

This will mean the site will provide an estimated 1,310,534 cubic meters of water a year, with roughly 19,000 of which will be used for “wheel washing and dust suppression”.

 Currently the quarry is used by Tarmac to “supply high quality aggregates to customers in the Presteigne area” and is “used deliver aggregates for projects of all sizes”.

The quarry is also a collection point for construction materials and is frequently used as a source for hardcore for projects such as driveways.