The Llanfair Caereinion Cancer Research Committee recently celebrated a long-time volunteer marking 50 years of service with the organisation.

At its 2023 annual general meeting, the Llanfair group presented a gift to Viola Evans, to celebrate over 50 years of service to the work of the committee in the town.

At the meeting, Miss Evans stood down as the secretary of the committee, a role she had undertaken for many years. She has been an active member of the Committee for over 50 years.

Despite stepping down from her role as secretary, she will continue to serve as an active member of the committee.

Committee chair Margaret Hughes said: "Miss Viola Evans has been a stalwart of the Committee here in Llanfair Caereinion for over 50 years and during that time has supported very many fundraising events and activities undertaken by the Committee.

“Through her considerable efforts, and that of all other Committee members,  many thousands of pounds have been raised by the Committee at Llanfair Caereinion to support the work of Cancer Research UK. 


“Significant progress has been made by Cancer Research UK over this time which has helped improve both diagnosis and treatment of this disease for very many.  However further support is needed if together we are to beat cancer.

“On behalf of the Committee we would like to thank Viola for all her efforts over many years."

The milestone follows a busy financial year for the committee, who are reportedly on track to raise more money during the 2023/2024 season of fundraising than they did during the previous year, which would be over £10,000.

As president of the 2023 Llanfair Caereinion Show, Liz Harding made the Cancer Research Committee her charity of choice, seeing plenty of money raised through a number of events in connection with the show.

Committee member Ann Watkin-Jones also added to the pool by taking up the challenge of walking 100 miles over the course of May, raising up to £2,000 through her efforts.

In November 2023, the committee also received a donation from Rhys and Catherine Morris, raised through a charity lunch and auction following the couple’s wedding.

Heading into 2024, the Committee are holding a plygain at Capel Moreia in Llanfair Caereinion on Friday, January 5 at 7pm, and all are welcome, singers and listeners alike.