A SINGLE mum from Powys has been banned from driving for 18 months after admitting a charge of drink driving.

Wylie Francis, from Newtown, admitted one charge of drink driving when she appeared at Welshpool Magistrates’ Court on Tuesday, November 14.

Francis, 40, was driving a Volvo V40 on Broad Street on the evening of August 31, when she was stopped by police.

“It was around 8.40pm, two police officers were on duty and were driving near town centre,” said prosecutor Helen Tench.


“They pulled up behind the defendant’s vehicle as she was parking. She had multiple opportunities to provide a roadside breath sample, but she did not provide one.

“Officers noticed her speech was slurred and her eyes were glazed over.

“She did follow the procedure at Newtown Police Station. She has previous convictions, and although they would not trigger a mandatory three-year ban they might be of concern.”

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The eventual reading provided by Francis was 64 micrograms of alcohol in her breath – the legal limit is 35 micrograms.

Rob Hanratty, representing Francis, said: “There was no impairment or criticism of her driving, she was only driving a short distance.

“She is a single parent to two children. You can impose a ban on this offence, but not for others (in the past). The other offences involve vehicles.”

Francis was banned for 18 months, but can reduce her disqualification if she completes a drink driving awareness course. She was also fined £120 and must pay £85 costs and a £48 surcharge.