DRIVERS caught speeding in the new 20mph zones in Wales will be offered the chance to watch an 'educational video' rather than face a fine.

The Welsh Government says it has teamed up with police forces around the country to help educate motorists ahead of the 20mph default speed limit roll out in September.

On Sunday, September 17, Wales will become the first UK nation to introduce a new default 20mph speed limit on restricted roads.

This is, according to the Welsh Government, to 'keep our communities safer and improve quality of life'.

In the lead up to the introduction of Welsh Government’s new legislation for 20mph speed limits, eight communities across Wales were selected for the first phase of the national programme. ‌​‌‌‌​‌‌‍‌​‌‌‌​‌​‍‌​‌‌‌​‌​

As part of this Phase One Settlement Scheme, 20mph speed restrictions were introduced in Buckley, Mynydd Isa, New Brighton, Drury, Burntwood, Bryn y Baal and Alltami on February 28, 2022.

And, although generally in favour of 20mph on residential estates and around schools, hundreds of residents expressed concerns about its introduction on main roads and streets.


But, today (August 1), the Welsh Government has revealed that - even if drivers are caught speeding in the new 20mph zones once implemented - there are ways they can avoid a fine.

But this is only, of course, if a driver is not 'driving excessively' over the speed limit.

A statement on the Welsh Government website explained: "To prepare motorists for this significant change, the Welsh Government and the police are working with the fire service, Go Safe (Wales’ Road Casualty Reduction Partnership), local authorities and other community groups to educate motorists.

"At roadsides across Wales, fire service staff will work with partners, to stop speeding motorists in 20mph areas and offer them the opportunity to watch an educational video rather than face a fine of prosecution.

"The video warns about the dangers of excessive speeds and highlights the benefits of slower speed. It is only offered to those motorists not driving excessively over the speed limit."