Gregynog Hall is celebrating the centenary of the first Gwasg Gregynog publication with a day of distinguished speakers and debates on Saturday (July 8) and an open house afternoon on Sunday (July 9).

The first Gregynog Press book was Poems by Montgomery’s own George Herbert selected by Sir Henry Walford Davies and published in 1923. This simple but beautiful little book is one of the treasures of Gregynog and will be at the centre of the centenary celebration.

County Times: The first Gregynog Press book was Poems by Montgomery’s own George Herbert selected by Sir Henry

The first Gregynog Press book was Poems by Montgomery’s own George Herbert selected by Sir Henry Walford Davies and published in 1923.

The Hall, near Tregynon village, will be open on Sunday from noon to 4pm with tours led by volunteers and Gregynog’s expert librarian.

The event offers a rare opportunity to explore the fascinating history of Gregynog from its roots in the Blayney family’s 13th Century home to the present day and its management by a Charitable Trust hosting events and academic conferences and still home to an impressive collection of fine art.


Mary Oldham is Gregynog’s Archivist and Librarian who has been putting together a display of the Press’ work through the years. 

She said: “We are very excited to be joined by distinguished speakers from the world of letterpress printing and the poetry of George Herbert, along with colleagues and friends - old and new - who all share a connection with and passion for Gregynog and the fine arts.”

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The Gregynog Press was created by Gwendoline and Margaret Davies at Gregynog Hall as part of their aim to help people in the aftermath of the First World War to rebuild their lives through the experience of making craft, art, and music. Over the years it established a reputation as one of the finest private presses in Europe.

The event will celebrate the traditional crafts of fine printing, wood engraving and book binding, with printers, artists and bookbinders - sometimes editors too - working together to create works of a unique creative unity and beauty.

For details click here

Entrance to the Open House afternoon on Sunday is £5 in addition to the usual £2.50 parking to help support the Hall and Grounds. Gregynog members park for free and will have free tours.