BUILTH Wells Swimming Pool reached a big milestone last month as it celebrated its 30th birthday.

Staff at the pool marked the special occasion by celebrating on Wednesday, May 24 – 30 years to the day that it opened, back in 1993.

The North Road venue is popular locally, especially with kids, and the 30th milestone is a particularly poignant one for Elliot Parker, operations manager for Freedom Leisure, which operates the pool and Builth Wells Sports Centre on behalf of Powys County Council.

Elliot’s dad, John, helped build the swimming pool complex, which was under construction when he was born.

“Thirty years ago my father was helping build the swimming pool the day I was born and now I manage the facility,” said Elliot.

“It’s a positive time in the centre, all the staff are great friends and we all take huge pride in putting out the best service possible to the community.

“Watching over 350 children learning to swim every week brings us all great fulfilment and satisfaction. We are growing all the time and training new staff so we can continue assisting Builth’s children to learn a valuable life skill.”

To find out more about the classes and events offered at the pool, contact 01982 552324, email builthwellscentre@freedom-leisure.co.uk or visit www.freedom-leisure.co.uk/centres/builth-wells-sports-centre-and-swimming-pool.