EVERY adult in Wales will have been offered a vaccine by Monday, health minister Eluned Morgan has said - six weeks ahead of schedule.

Ms Morgan confirmed on Sunday that the target of offering a jab to every eligible adult in Wales has been met.

Vaccination centres will now be accelerating the number of second doses that are administered to try to limit the spread of the delta variant across Wales.

People who have not yet taken up their first vaccine, or people who have been missed, can still book an appointment, with all Welsh health boards having booking systems in place.

“Wales is leading the world when it comes to the percentage of our population who have been vaccinated,” said Ms Morgan.

“I’m delighted that today we have reached the milestone of offering all eligible adults their first dose – six weeks ahead of schedule.

“This is a remarkable achievement and I want to thank everyone involved for their incredible efforts. However, we are not being complacent - I want to encourage younger adults to take up this offer of the vaccine and we don’t want to see anyone left behind.

“We are keen to see 18 to 39-year-olds vaccinated and hope to reach our milestone of 75 per cent take-up in this age group by the end of this month. Please take up your vaccine appointment; it offers protection to you, your loved ones and your communities and it is our best route out of the pandemic.”

Jenny Spreafico, immunisation co-ordinator for Powys Teaching Health Board and a school nurse, has been spearheading the county's vaccination programme.

She said: “I want to thank everyone who has done their bit and come forward to get their vaccine so far, and I want to encourage anyone who hasn’t yet to come forward for yours.

“If you can’t attend, contact your health board to rearrange so no dose is wasted. More than 85 per cent of people in Wales have had their first dose.

“Your vaccine offer will not expire – if you need more information, the Public Health Wales website can help. Getting the vaccine protects you, your friends and family – and your community.”