Llanidloes, a small town renowned for its community spirit, is set to celebrate its local talent with a week-long event called 'Llani Live' from September 14 to 21.

The vibrant town has plenty of talented musicians, artists, dancers, and crafters.

The Minerva Arts Centre, home to an international Welsh quilt collection, is located in the town.

The recently reformed Llanidloes Chamber of Trade is inviting people from Powys and further afield to appreciate their town.

'Llani Live' will involve local businesses, musicians, and artists.

Performances are to take place in various shops, cafes, and restaurants including The Wild Oak Cafe, Woosnam & Davies, Cobblers, Hiraeth and the Library.

Official town Busk Stop, under the market hall, will host buskers adding to the lively atmosphere.

Not only musicians, but local artists also get a platform to display their art.

Pet portraits will decorate the recently opened dog grooming shop, ClyweDog.

Other local businesses will have displays ranging from ceramics to jewellery.

For more information, people can visit the Llani Live Facebook page.