A firefighter is preparing to run the Newtown 10K wearing his full kit weighing 10 kilograms to help raise money for a charity that does "spectacular" work for the fire and rescue community and their families.

Rob Jones, who is based at the Newtown station, will take part in the event for the second consecutive year but this time the 32-year-old will be running in aid of the Fire Fighters Charity.

“It is an amazing charity that does a lot for firefighters across the UK," said Rob who’s aiming to raise £500.

"I did the Newtown 10K last year and while doing I thought it would be a good idea to raise money for the charity in my fire kit. It’s a bit of a crazy idea but I wanted to challenge myself while raising for a good cause.


“I know colleagues who have benefited from the charity, and they do spectacular work.”

Rob, who works at Sound Inductions Systems, has been an on-call firefighter for the past six years, a role that he has "always wanted to do" since he was younger.

He hopes the race on Sunday, May 26, will also help raise awareness of the fire service in town which is looking for more people to join as on-call firefighters at the Llanidloes Road station.

"It was brilliant to see people lining the streets at last year's Newtown 10K and it’s a good way to publicise the fire station because we’re always recruiting for firefighters," Rob said.

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"The lads on station are absolutely brilliant. I love working with every single one of them. They make the job so easy and it’s always good that you have someone to go to if you have any issues.

"It’s a really interesting role. No job is the same, it’s always different and it’s a challenge.”

Rob added: “Training’s been tough, but it’s been good. As soon as you wear the tunic it traps the air like a boil in a bag almost.

“Finishing will be fun. If you see me shout hello, the encouragement will definitely be needed. If they have a drink handy even better.”

To show your support for Rob and the Fire Fighters Chairty please donate at www.justgiving.com/page/rob-jones-1713567051031

People are being Road closures will be in place in Back Lane and Long Bridge Street for 15 minutes from 8.55am to 9.10am, 30 minutes from 9am to 9.30am in Canal Road and another 30 minutes from Llanllwchaiarn Church to the waterworks from 9.05am to 9.35am.