A Llanidloes author will be signing copies of her 'must have' new book for animal lover and anyone interested in the mid Wales countryside.

Stella Gratrix along with her friend Barbara Medtcalfe have compiled ‘The Story of the Lluest Horse and Pony Trust’ which will be available at a special event at the Great Oak Bookshop in Llanidloes on Saturday, May 18, from 10.30am to 12.30pm.

It is a ‘ghost autobiography' of Ginny Hajdukiewicz, the founder of the Lluest Horse and Pony Trust charity, which was the first of its kind in Wales.

"Ginny was passionate about the health and welfare of horses," said Stella who was chairman of the Trust when it was registered in 1985 at Lluest Farm, south of Aberystwyth.

"Due to the need to expand, Lluest moved to a farm near Llandovery, but after 10 years, sadly Ginny died at the age of only 38.

"The book is a chronological compilation of the writings of Ginny, of her life with animals and her observations of humankind as well."

All proceeds from book sales go to The Lluest Horse and Pony Trust.