Powis Castle and Garden’s Head Gardener has shared the best blooms to spot in May.

The world-famous garden in Welshpool comes alive in May, showcasing towering rhododendrons and tumbling wisteria.

David Swanton, the head gardener, is eager to share the floral delights on offer from one of Britain's finest gardens.

Managed by National Trust Cymru, the Grade I listed garden provides breathtaking views across the Severn Valley and sprawls beneath the medieval castle.

County Times: David Swanton, the head gardener has shared what visitors can expect to see

Visitors can enjoy exploring the dramatic terraces, the Edwardian formal garden, the peaceful woodlands, and the exquisite Orangery.

Visitors this month will find 100-year-old apple trees that line the Edwardian Formal Garden.

These trees, from varieties such as Bismark to Ribston Pippin, were commissioned by Lady Violet, Countess of Powis, in the early 1900s.

County Times: You can walk around the gardens at the castle

Her vision of making Powis Castle ‘one of the most beautiful, if not the most beautiful in England and Wales’ is still very much alive today.

Furthermore, a stroll around the garden will reveal vibrant bunches of Grape Hyacinths and Scillas underneath the apple blossom.

For visitors who prefer a more stationary visit, the Italianate Terraces offer spectacular panoramic views of the entire garden.

A lovely array of purple Irises dotted between stone statues promise an appetising visual treat.

Mr Swanton said: "Spring is one of my favourite times of year, as the garden wakes up for the warmer months it's filled with colour and sweet scents once again.

"Keep an eye out for the sunny yellow Azaleas within the woodland garden, the scent from these is always incredible."

"A seasonal highlight for me are the blossom trees within the Edwardian Formal garden.

"Some have been flowering for over 100 years, not only putting on a cheerful display for all visitors to enjoy but also provide an important source of nectar for our local biodiversity including bees and butterflies.

"If you visit around the middle of May, enjoy the two-metre-high purple wisteria which adorns the Aviary Terrace and is always popular with visitors – and butterflies too!"

Powis Castle and Garden is open daily from 10am – 5pm, with the last entry to the garden and the castle being at 3:30pm.

To plan a visit, please head to: www.nationaltrust.org.uk/powis-castle-and-garden.