Work to improve the entrance of Machynlleth Community Centre will begin soon as funding for the project is now in place.

Long awaited improvements to the entrance of the hall by Y Plas, in Machynlleth, are set to begin with a £146,000 construction project, with the campaigners behind the iniative hoping it will be the first of several enhancements to the facility.

It was announced that funding for the project had been secured on May 7 after two years of campaigning by a community group to provide the Powys landmark with a much-needed facelift.

The hall sits alongside the Grade II listed historic building and has been used as offices for Machynlleth Town Council for a number of years but has become dilapidated because of a lack of upkeep.


Works to improve the entrance are expected to get under way later this year, with a target to have them completed by December 2024.

Machynlleth-based voluntary arts organisation MachFringe has been campaigning for the entrance to receive an upgrade for at least two years, hoping to transform the hall entrance into a more inviting area with enclosed level access and fixed seating and planting.

County Times: The current entrance to Machynlleth Community Centre.The current entrance to Machynlleth Community Centre. (Image: MachSpace)

The £146,000 project has been funded by Powys County Council Town Regeneration Department, National Lottery Crona Gymunedol Community fund, Garthgwynion Trust.

A spokesperson for MachFringe said: “We are hoping to start work in the late summer. Thanks to all for help, letters of support, comments and encouragement and Machynlleth Town Council who have supported the idea from the start.

“The large hall alongside Machynlleth Plas was once part of a tourist attraction ‘Celtica’ and has a dilapidated entrance which does not meet the current requirements for access.

“Mach fringe is a local voluntary arts organisation and has been working on the project for over two years. The funding will cover the cost of making an enclosed level access area and new entrance. Fixed seating, planting and recreational opportunities are included in the plans.”

“The long term ambition is also to improve and upgrade the interior.”