A Newtown rugby coach is taking on a unique challenge in a heartfelt tribute to two much loved and missed family members by cycling 350 miles from Cornwall to the town’s recreation ground on a 50-year-old Raleigh Chopper.

Bob Jones, U13s coach at Newtown Rugby Club, aims to raise funds for Cornwall Hospice Care and Severn Hospice - two institutions that provided exceptional care during his family's times of need.

The challenge commemorates the 25th anniversary of the loss of Bob's father, Malcolm, who died from cancer at the age of 50 in 1999, having been cared for by Cornwall Hospice Care. It will also honour his father-in-law, Roy, who was cared for by Severn Hospice in Shrewsbury before passing away in 2017.

The ride is not only a fundraising effort but also a tribute to the compassionate care both hospices provided, helping countless families like Bob's during their most challenging times.


In a twist that adds both challenge and nostalgia, Bob will undertake this journey on a Raleigh Chopper - the same model bike given to him by his parents when he was nine. Renowned for its unique design but not for speed or long-distance travel, the Raleigh Chopper will surely make this ride an unforgettable adventure.

Bob, joined by a group of former rugby teammates - Mark Jones, Craig Thomas and Tom Pelling - plan to cover 50 miles a day, completing the seven-day challenge on Father’s Day (June 16). Bob will also be joined by his son Dylan, a junior player at the club, for the final leg of the journey.

"I wanted to do something significant as I turned 50 - a milestone my dad never got to enjoy beyond,” Bob said.

“The overwhelming support from businesses, friends, family, colleagues, and even strangers has truly restored my faith in people. It shows how much good we can do when we come together for a cause."

Cornwall Hospice Care and Severn Hospice are committed to providing specialised, compassionate care for individuals with terminal illnesses. Their work is largely funded by charitable donations, ensuring that patients and their families receive support and dignity during life's most challenging moments.

To donate, visit the team’s fundraising page at https://justgiving.com/team/cornwall2cymru and details of the route can be found at https://tinyurl.com/ChopperChallenge