Plans to reduce the number of trains running on Powys' Heart of Wales line have been described as a “bitter blow”.

Senedd member for Brecon and Radnorshire, James Evans, slammed the plans to reduce the service on one of only two major rail lines in the county as sign of neglect.

As part of a recent review, Transport for Wales revealed it plans to reduce the number of services running through Llandrindod Wells from five to four per day, with the removal of two late evening services to Llandovery and Llandrindod also proposed from December 2024.

READ MORE: Decade long wait for hourly Powys train service continues 

Mr Evans argues that this will affect many people across Mid-Wales who rely on this service to get to work and travel across the country.

“It’s a bitter blow to Mid-Wales to have our train services reduced at a time where we should be looking to improve our transport network, not set it back,” said Mr Evans.

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“When TFW took over the running of this line, we were promised more investment and new rolling stock.  Instead, we have seen this route become unreliable, with delays and cancellations to the service being a frequent occurrence.

“With the South Wales Metro estimated to be costing over £1bn, and the Welsh Labour Government providing TFW with an additional £125m, yet again the urban areas are getting the lion’s share on the investment.

“Areas in Mid Wales are all too often neglected and forgotten by the Welsh Labour Government – whether that is rail travel, buses, or the state of our roads. We need more services here - not cuts to what we already have.”