Organisers behind a project to regenerate Welshpool’s canal say the scheme will lead to a “renaissance” for the town as they unveiled plans for work to begin this year.

After Powys County Council planners approved plans to enhance the Y Lanfa building along Welshpool’s canal wharf, construction on the project is expected to begin later this year.

About £1 million is being spent on improvements to Y Lanfa, with the total sum covering other projects such as bridge rebuilds, dredging, and the creation of new nature reserves.

Hughes Architects, who created the project on behalf of the council, says that the planning committee approval is a milestone in the plans for the building, wharf, and surrounding area, potentially transforming it into a community hub.

Richard Lewis, architect and director at Hughes Architects, said: “From the outset, the vision for Y Lanfa has been about much more than simply renovating bricks and mortar.

County Times: A proposed redesign for Y Lanfa, along Welshpool canal.

“We see this scheme as an enabler, unlocking the immense potential of the canal side to become an enabler for the regeneration of the entire town.

“By combining historic preservation with innovative design, we're creating a space that celebrates the past while embracing the future needs of Welshpool. Y Lanfa will be a catalyst for positive change, attracting new businesses, enhancing leisure opportunities, and fostering a stronger sense of community pride.”


The project, backed by £14 million in funding secured by Powys Council, will see Y Lanfa undergo a renovation to create a space for “community uses”, while the adjoining wharf will be transformed into a public realm and renovating some canal side cottages for further business and community initiatives.

Beyond the immediate impact on the canal side, Hughes Architects believes Y Lanfa's revitalisation will contribute significantly to the broader regeneration of Welshpool.

They reportedly also hope that the increased footfall and vibrancy generated by the project will spill over into the town centre, supporting existing businesses and attracting new investment, transforming Y Lanfa into “a link in a chain of renewed spaces”.

Richard added: “We're incredibly proud of what we've achieved with Y Lanfa. This project is a testament to the power of collaborative vision and design to breathe new life into historic spaces and communities. We can't wait to see Y Lanfa become a cornerstone of a revitalised Welshpool.”