An application to build houses on the site of a former nursery near Welshpool has been withdrawn by the applicants.

An application to erect three dwellings on the site of Crimond Nursery, in Refail, by Berriew, was withdrawn by the applicant, just over a month after being submitted to Powys County Council.

The nursery is currently closed and occupied by a large commercial greenhouse, which the application specified would be demolished if plans for homes were approved.

The proposal, submitted in January 2024, stated that using the area to accommodate three houses would be a better use of the site, complimenting the surrounding residential environment, supporting numbers at the local school and boosting the local economy.


It says: “An alternative use of residential development on this site would be seen as an improvement of its current state.

“This alternative use, would ensure the site complements with the surrounding setting of residential development, and not cause any conflict of uses. Residential use of this site will complement the existing area better than the commercial nursery.

“The scheme will have a significant positive impact on the immediate and surrounding area, in providing a number of family orientated properties, which will ensure the pupil numbers of the school remains healthy.

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While it is unclear why the application was withdrawn, a consultee comment from Natural Resources Wales, outlined “concerns” over the application, citing “inadequate information” regarding protected sites and drainage.

Their comment said: “The application is immediately adjacent to the Montgomery Canal Special Area of Conservation. We have concerns that a significant effect from the proposed development on the SAC cannot be ruled out.

“We advise that further information is required to adequately consider the potential impacts on the features of protected sites.”