Two scout leaders from Welshpool have received awards in recognition of their 10 years of service in the Scouting organisation.

Edward Parsons and Matthew McManus both received their 10 Year Award as volunteers with the Scout Association, having served as leaders at 1st Clive's Own Welshpool Scout, the same group they attended for over 10 years as Scouts themselves.

The pair spent years as members of the organisation prior to becoming leaders, having worked their way up through Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, and Explorer Scouts, before becoming young leaders in the association.

Group Scout Leader Farrell McManus said: “It takes a great deal of training, commitment and effort to serve as a Scout leader.


“Ed is never happier than when he’s around a campfire and Matt loves teaching scouts how to prepare wild food. They’re the kind of leaders who excel at giving kids a set of life skills that are unique to scouting.

“They both have a passion and enthusiasm for scouting that always gets the group invested in what’s going on. Being a leader is about striking the perfect balance between making sure everything is safe and risk free, but still challenging and fun.

“They lead by example and have been with Clive’s 1st from day one.”