One of Llanidloes' historic buildings is set for a new lease of life as an indoor market.

Bethel Chapel has been vacant since 2004 and its conversion aims to provide the town with a much needed, full-time, indoor market for local produce and crafts.

It will also support the current Charter Market on days when it is closed due to bad weather.

The Wilderness Trust said an indoor market will complement its Hanging Gardens Project in the adjacent Bethel Hall, which has a café and community hub, arts centre, gardens and range of community workshops.


The Trust secured a £250,000 grant on the Transforming Towns Place Making initiative from Powys County Council and the Welsh Government

"We are incredibly grateful to the match funders the Moondance Foundation, Margaret Davies Charity, and Powys Food," the trust's director Dr Kevin Blockley said. "These funds will go towards the urgent restoration of the former Bethel Chapel, Llanidloes and its conversion into an indoor market."

A team of volunteers is busy helping clear the interior of the chapel ready for the renovation work to start.