Plans to expand a Welshpool pub into a neighbouring building to accommodate a restaurant have been approved by Powys County Council.

On January 31, Powys County Council approved an application for planning permission regarding The Angel, on Berriew Street, Welshpool, which the owners want to expand into a restaurant on the ground floor of the neighbouring building, while the first floor would be used for residential accommodation.

The planning application was first submitted in October 2023, was seeking planning permission to convert the empty building next door, formerly occupied by Harrison’s Solicitors.

The application was supported by Welshpool Town Council’s planning committee in October 2023.

Members supported the application, welcoming more accommodation in Welshpool, but wanted to note their concern about noise pollution and members support improvements in energy efficiency in line with modern standards for rental accommodation.

Cllr Phil Owen commented: “Cllr Phil Owen said: “The only comment I would make is that I’m aware if you’re living on that road there can quite a lot of nuisance that comes from pubs, especially late at night. I’d be wary of a proposal that increased the boozing space rather than the eating.

“I think it’s good they’re doing something with the Harrison’s building but if it’s just extending the bar into a larger space I’m not sure I’d be very keen.”


Cllr Alison Davies clarified by adding: “It seems they are extending the catering side of the business rather than just the pub side, as there doesn’t seem to be any large extension to the pub itself and they are instead making it into a dining room.”

Despite gaining approval from Powys County Council, some consultee comments objected to elements of the design, such as the council’s built heritage and historic buildings and places departments.

Consultees raised issue with the look of the proposed development in contrast with the traditional shopfront aesthetic along the street.

Ross Amthony of Historic Buildings and Places said: “The buildings are both located within the Welshpool Conservation Area and the existing shopfronts and doors contribute much to the historic character of the streetscape.

"The proposed shopfront is a modern design that doesn’t conform with that historic character, nor does it suit the quite distinct architectural style of the two buildings involved.”