An application to demolish dilapidated former bakehouse in Machynlleth in connection with building a number of dwellings has been withdrawn.

On January 23, an application from last April, proposing to tear down a former bakery on Maengwyn Street, in Machynlleth, was withdrawn, despite it having received no objections from either Machynlleth Town Council or a Built Heritage Conservation Officer.

The proposal would have seen the dilapidated stone and timber buildings demolished, as well as more recent brick extensions which housed the ovens and equipment for Arvonia bakery, to allow a terrace of three stone faced and timber boarded dwellings for affordable rental to be built.

According to the planning application: “The vision is to create comfortable, sustainable two bedroomed homes with outdoor amenity space which will be aesthetically pleasing and utilise a neglected town centre site.”


The proposal added: “The brief was to utilise the site to create simple but comfortable and attractive living accommodation for an affordable rent.

"Conversion of the existing buildings was considered but due to the advanced state of deterioration plus the amount of the original frontage that had already been removed, in addition to the roof timbers and slates, it was decided that rebuilding would be necessary.”

The application also took into consideration the site’s proximity to other residents and businesses such as the neighbouring Wynnstay Hotel. Plans specified that no new openings were to be added to the rear wall for both the privacy of the residents and the patrons.

It is currently unknown why the application was withdrawn, as well as if there are any alternative plans for the site on Maengwyn Street.