Powys police have carried out a third raid on a cannabis farm in Welshpool, finding over £150,000 worth of plans and growing equipment.

On Monday, January 15, Dyfed Powys Police discovered a third cannabis farm in the Welshpool area, at a property on the Buttington Farm Industrial Estate.

The raid comes less than a week after the police uncovered two cannabis farms in Welshpool town centre, one at the former County Times offices and another at the former HSBC building on Broad Street.

A police spokesperson said: “Dyfed-Powys Police attended a property in the Buttington Farm Industrial Estate area on Monday afternoon, 15th January, following a call received from a member of the public.


“Approximately £150,000 worth of cannabis plants and associated growing equipment was found at the property.

“Enquiries are on-going to establish the identity of the people involved."

The incident follows two other drug raids carried out in Welshpool, with the other grows found earlier in January within Welshpool having a combined total of £1 million worth of cultivation.

The set up in the empty County Times office, raided on January 9, was described by the police as a “sophisticated set up”, bypassing roughly 200 amps of electricity into the building for the purposes of growing cannabis, with over 200 plants being confiscated from the scene.

One man was arrested in connection with the January 9 raid, subsequently pleaded guilty to producing the Class B drug and remains in custody.

The three incidents have not been currently linked to one another.