Wales became one of the first countries in the world, and the first nation in the UK, to lower the default national speed limit on residential roads from 30mph to 20mph in September.

The Welsh Government claims that the change would reduce collisions, save lives and reduce injuries but the move has been met with backlash from residents, with over 460,000 people signing a petition in opposition of the new speed limit.

The 20mph speed limit was introduced on residential roads across Wales - including in Powys - on September 17, but motorists have been given a "grace period" to get used to the change.

When does the 20mph "grace period" end and enforcement begin?

In October, Deputy Climate Change Minister, Lee Waters MS, said the "grace period" for the 20mph speed limit was coming to an end and confirmed that enforcement in Wales was set to begin on December 17.

With enforcement set to begin on the new speed limit, we have found a map showing all the roads that have changed to 20mph in Wales so you don't get caught out.

Wales 20mph map - all the roads affected by the speed limit change

DataMapWales has developed a map which shows all the roads in Powys (as well as the rest of Wales) that will has seen the speed limit reduced from 30mph to 20mph.

The map also shows roads that have been exempt from the change and have retained the 30mph speed limit.

You can see the map on the DataMapWales website here.

Speed Cameras in place to monitor the 20mph speed limit

A number of fixed and mobile speed cameras were placed across Wales back in September as the new 20mph speed limit was rolled out on residential roads. 

You can see the full list of the speed cameras monitoring the 20mph speed limit in Powys here.

These new cameras were installed at what GoSafe called "enforcement sites".

GoSafe - a partnership made up of authorities including the Welsh Government and Wales emergency services - said: "Enforcement will take place where it is needed to keep roads and communities safe, and will be carried out through a combination of mobile enforcement vehicles and fixed cameras, as is the case now."

It added any fixed speed cameras already installed on residential roads in Wales, set to monitor a 30mph speed limit, would be altered.