An application proposing to convert Welshpool’s Youth Centre into dwellings says it “does not provide justification” for losing the facility, a comment added to the application warns.

A planning application proposing to convert Welshpool Youth Centre into dwellings has been submitted to Powys County Council.

Having been submitted on earlier in the month, an application to convert the youth centre building on Howell Drive into two dwellings was validated on November 21.

The application is currently pending consideration but does include a consultee comment by Powys County Council’s Planning Policy.


Commenting on the proposal, they said: “The proposal involves the loss of two community facilities – a youth centre and a nursery.

“The proposal does not provide justification for the loss of these community facilities as required.

“The application form refers to local consultation to identify alternative property facilities within Welshpool Town boundary that could be used as an alternative venue if this building were no longer available.

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“Further details are required to demonstrate that appropriate alternative provision is to be made available or the potential for continued use is no longer viable, and alternative solutions to support the long term use of the facility for the community have been adequately explored.

“It is also noted that there is a skate park immediately to the rear of the centre. This is identified as an open space.

“it is unclear what is planned for this neighbourhood equipped area of play and whether the proposed use would be compatible with that.”

This most recent planning application proposing the conversion of the building is not the first one of its kind in 2023. In January a proposal to convert the youth centre to a location for the storage and sale of car parts was submitted to the council.

The application was lodged with Powys County Council and immediately sparked an outcry on social media from Welshpool residents and town councillors. Before Welshpool Town Council could discuss the application in a meeting, the proposal was withdrawn on January 25.

At the time Cllr Alison Davies said: “We will continue to try and get absolute clarity on this issue as we currently don’t have a full picture of what is happening with the building.”

The building was declared surplus to requirements by the Youth Service and has been listed for sale since 2020.

However, Welshpool Youth Club has continued to use the building and planned to do so until a sale is agreed upon and is completed.