Pupils are thriving in a Powys border school which has been praised for its “nurturing” environment by Ofsted.

Bishop’s Castle Primary School was given an overall rating of "good" in a report by Ofsted for its “nurturing” environment and high expectations.

In the report made on the school over two days last month, inspectors said: “Pupils thrive and are happy in this nurturing school.

"They are kind to each other and have excellent manners. The school rules of ‘ready, respectful and safe’ are threaded through all aspects of school life.”

The inspection team were also fulsome in their praise of the leadership at the school such as head teacher Katie Froggatt who they said have “significantly raised the expectations of what pupils can achieve and pupils rise to these expectations.


“The work of school and trust leaders to improve the school has been highly effective. In a short space of time, leaders have addressed weaknesses and are building on their many strengths. Staff are proud to work at the school and say that despite the rapid changes, workload has been managed well.

“Pupils are taught to be confident and resilient learners. They have positive attitudes to their learning and this is reflected in the quality of the work they produce. Pupils are proud of their achievements.”

The behaviour of pupils was also praised by inspectors who said: “Right from when they start school in Reception, children are taught what good behaviour looks like. They are taught to share, take turns and to listen to each other, and they do.

“Pupils learn to be responsible and independent through taking on a wide range of roles and responsibilities, such as school councillors and reading ambassadors.”

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Inspectors also praised the speed with which children picked up skills adding: “ There is a shared determination from all that pupils will quickly learn to read. Leaders have thought carefully about the books and stories that they want children to read, including in early years.

“Pupils with SEND are identified quickly and effective support is put in place to help them. Staff receive regular training and are confident in supporting the needs of individual pupils. As a result, pupils with SEND are fully included in the life of the school and achieve well.

“Leaders have ensured that pupils learn to be confident and resilient learners. One pupil said, ‘Everyone finds things hard. But it helps us learn. We can ask our teacher but they don’t just give us the answer. They help us to get it. It’s called perseverance.’”