A landslide on a Powys border road is set to leave it closed for the rest of the year.

A road in Marton on the Powys border near Welshpool has been closed after a landslide covered the surface making it impassable for the immediate future.

The affected road is the Martonbeech Junction to- the Powys county boundary, Rock House Short Cross, Marton.


According to information released by Shropshire Council the landslide appears to have taken place on Monday afternoon (November 1). 

The landslide appears to have come from Marton Hill which runs next to the village and has left the road blocked in both directions.

Shropshire Council have installed a diversion around where the landslide hit following around Binweston Lane.

County Times:

The Road is set to be closed for a considerable amount of time with the latest estimate given by Shropshire Council suggests that the road will not available to the public until at least the new year.

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