Four extra vehicles were required to empty one overweight flatbed lorry that was pulled over in Powys.

The Driver Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) enforcement team pulled over a suspicious looking vehicle on the outskirts of Welshpool to find that it was carrying more than double its legal limit.

In a statement online the DSA enforcement team said that the vehicle was pulled over near Welshpool as it was carrying a suspicious amount of equipment on both the lorry and the trailer that it was pulling at the time.


The lorry and trailer which was legally permitted to carry 5065kg, or just under five tons, was found by the patrol to have been carrying 10220kg which clocks in at over 10 tons.

According to the DVSA this was an overload of 101.78 per cent. This required the patrol that pulled the vehicle over to call in four extra vehicles to help empty the vehicle, due to the unusually large amount that it was over the legal weight limit.

Photos released by the DVSA show that both the vehicle and the trailer clearly full of concrete blocks that have bee ratchet strapped to the vehicle and to the trailer as well as equipment in the flat bed part of the lorry.

In a statement the DVSA confirmed that “the driver will be prosecuted for driving a vehicle in a dangerous condition.”

The DVSA is a part of the UK's department for transport and regularly carry out tests to make sure lorries and buses are safe to drive as well as carrying out roadside checks on drivers and vehicles, and monitor vehicle recalls.