The railway line between Machynlleth and Aberystwyth will be closed for the coming weeks as Powys Council carry out works to a bridge in Machynlleth.

On Saturday, October 21, the line between Machynlleth and Aberystwyth will be closed to facilitate works to the rail bridge in Heol Y Doll, Machynlleth, as the council make improvements to their active travel routes in the town.

Trains will be running again on November 1, however there have also been closures in the week leading up to construction starting, as early morning and late night trains have been closed from October 16.


A spokesperson for Powys County Council said: “Thanks to a Welsh Government Active Travel grant, access for pedestrians and cyclists is set to be improved with the re-opening of a redundant archway.

“Griffiths has been commissioned to reopen the masonry arch under the railway line. The arch runs parallel to the trunk road.

“It is proposed to open the ‘filled’ archway and strengthen the structure with a reinforced concrete lining.”

Transport for Wales added that there will be rail replacement bus services for the duration of the closure and advise customers to check for the latest information before travelling.