A politician has called for an investigation after Powys County Council sold two properties - allegedly without the current tenant being aware.

Montgomeryshire MS Russell George has raised concerns with the decision-making process behind the authority's sale of two farms located in Leighton, near Welshpool.

Agreement for the sale was approved at a Cabinet meeting on September 19 during a “behind closed doors” session when councillors considered a report marked “not for publication”.

The Montgomeryshire MS says other farm tenants are now concerned their farms could be sold.

County Times: Craig Williams MP and MS Russell George at a Farmers Union Wales event.Craig Williams MP and MS Russell George at a Farmers Union Wales event. (Image: Newsquest)


He continued: “I am concerned that Powys County Council may have not provided best value for money in a decision they have recently taken and were also at odds to their principles of openness, inclusivity, integrity, and accountability.”

Mr George has called for an Audit Wales investigation into the sale, stating he was informed that the current tenant of the two farms had not been informed of any prospective sale, nor had they been offered the opportunity to purchase the property, farm buildings and land which they currently rent.

He added: “I understand that there are other worried tenant farmers who are concerned that their farms could be up for sale next without their knowledge.

“I was informed the current tenant of the two farms had not been informed of any prospective sale, nor had they been offered the opportunity to purchase the property, farm buildings and land which they currently rent.

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“It’s worrying that the Cabinet at Powys County Council made a business decision in a confidential setting which was not open to public scrutiny, I am also concerned that the local authority did not offer the sale of the two farms on the open market or provide an opportunity for the current sitting tenant to purchase the land and buildings.

“I am concerned that the decision the local authority made, may have been undertaken without all the correct information.

“I have also taken the matter up with Audit Wales to ask if they could investigate whether the local authority followed its own polices of openness, inclusivity, integrity, accountability and whether the taxpayer obtained best value for money regarding the decision taken in the confidential session.’’

Powys County Council has been contacted for a comment.