A PETITION against the new 20mph limit in Wales has surged past 160,000 signatures. 

The petition is calling on the Welsh Government to scrap the controversial new speed limit on previously 30mph roads. 

Yesterday (September 18), the petition passed 50,000 signatures. And last night, it surged past 100,000. It is currently just over 160,000 signatures. It can be found at bit.ly/45W6Igb.

The Welsh Government has said that the new speed limit will result in 40 per cent fewer collisions and save 10 lives a year. It says streets will be safer, more people will be encouraged to walk or cycle, reducing the number of polluting cars on the roads.

The safety charity, Brake, says the 20mph limit will save lives and create happier and healthier communities.

Some roads have been ear-marked to return to 30mph once Traffic Regulation Orders are made by Welsh local authorities.