A ZEBRA crossing will be moved and a road resurfaced as part of an overhaul of a major route into Welshpool to make it more cycle-friendly.

On Wednesday, September 13, Welshpool Town Council met to discuss Powys Council’s plan to renovate the road and pavement on Severn Road as part of a project to develop an active travel route, connecting Welshpool’s Railway Station to the town centre.

The works include resurfacing the road, replacing the slabs on the pavement with freshly laid tarmac, and moving the street’s zebra crossing. These changes will be made to allow for an travel route, which will be funded by Welsh Government cash.

As part of the plan, the existing path will be widened to become a shared use path for cyclists and pedestrians, while improvements will be made to the surface and drainage of the existing road.

Cllr Alison Davies said: “Moving the zebra crossing seems sensible, especially as their argument is that it is safer for the school and won’t put anyone else at a disadvantage.

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"Moving the pavement slabs is also a good choice as they are in bad condition and in need of replacing. They are a trip hazard, whereas we know the tarmac is flexible and works well in pedestrian areas like that.”

The Town Council voted to approve the County Council’s plans, but requested that the roadworks project be expanded to include other areas in Welshpool, such as Severn Street.

Cllr Phil Pritchard said: “The resurfacing of Severn Street keeps being delayed year after year, despite the fact that the road surface there is the worst in town.

"I would much rather have a situation where the whole lot is done at once or in secession rather than leaving it for several more years.”

County Times:

Other councillors reasoned that completing both areas at once would limit the amount of major road closures in Welshpool, potentially reducing the costs, traffic build up and waiting times for the project to be complete.

Cllr Richard Church added: “While a complete resurfacing of Severn Street is in the County Council capital programme, it is not part of this specific scheme.

"It is scheduled to happen but as a separate project. In our approval of the travel route works we could emphasise that we also need Severn Street resurfacing as I agree it is quite awful there.”

The Town Council voted unanimously in favour of approving the travel route project while including a reminder that they want to see Severn Street resurfaced sooner rather than later.