A NEWTOWN man has appeared in court following an incident that was racially aggravated.

Ian Jones appeared at Telford Magistrates' Court last Tuesday (June 20) and admitted using threatening or abusive words or behaviour that would cause harassment, alarm or distress to his victim.

The 60-year-old, of Cae Melyn in Tregynon, committed the offence in Pentrecoed in Ellesmere, Shropshire, on February 7, this year.

A second offence without the racial element at the same location on the same date was withdrawn.

County Times:

Magistrates gave Jones an 18-month conditional discharge, meaning no further action will take place unless he comes before the courts within a set period of time.

Magistrates also said that it would have been 12 months but was uplifted to 18 months due to the element of racial aggravation.

They also said no compensation would be paid as it would "exacerbate the situation".

Jones must pay £135 court costs and £26 to the victim services fund.