Newtown’s Dolerw Park will soon have a new seating area for outdoor learning workshops.

Work to install the seating area will take place on Thursdays, June 22 and 29, with help from local volunteers.

Open Newtown, which manages the 25-acre parkland, said the seating area will be a new place for residents to enjoy.

Jerry Joseph-Meade, project manager, said: “Newtown’s parks have seen creative, gardening, and wildlife themed workshops for adults and young people alike.


"The development of a permanent seating area will mean facilitators don’t have to bring chairs with them and can focus on delivering sessions, as well as being a place for families to use.”

County Times: How the new seating area in Dolerw Park may look like

Draft plans for the design of the seating area went on display at the Spring Fayre to gather feedback from the public before the final designs were approved.

People who would like to get involved with installing the new seating area are welcome to contact Jerry by sending an email to

The project is a collaboration between Open Newtown and Tir Coed, made possible by funding from the Welsh Government and Natural Resources Wales.

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