One of Bishop’s Castle’s most popular events will return later this year for the first time in three years - the Michalemas Fair.

Last year’s official event was cancelled as a mark of respect following the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.

Now organisers are calling for people to share ideas and volunteer their help for this year’s event which will take place on September 16.

The Michaelmas Committee said: "It was brilliant how the community pulled together at such short notice last year and we'd love to recreate that again but with a little more organisation.


"£So we are inviting all the businesses, clubs, creators and townspeople to showcase themselves, share ideas and be a part of the day.

"Whether you are a club and have members that would like to perform, volunteer or hold a stall. Or you have a business, and you'd like to expand onto the street, maybe you live in Bishop's Castle and you just want to help or share your thoughts, we'd love to hear from you.

"Thank you for your continued support."

The public meeting will take place at The Six Bells on Monday, April 17, at 7.30pm.


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