Welshpool Town Council’s Warm Hub has been awarded a £1,500 grant from Powys County Council to move the project forward in the coming months.

In an update provided by Cllr Nick Howells at a meeting on March 22, Welshpool Town Council revealed that the hub had been granted £1,500 for supplies and provisions for the community hub.

He said: “Powys County Council didn’t provide many hubs as such but they put a pot of money aside to offer grants to organisations that had set them up during the winter.

“As a result, we have managed to obtain a grant of £1,500 to put words running the space for the next few weeks.



“The only downside of the grant is that we are required to spend it by the end of the month. However this isn’t too much of a problem as the volunteers and myself assembled a big list of everything we could use as we run into the spring and summer months.”

The council also discussed the future of the hub, coming out of the winter months when it was first established to provide support to people struggling to heat their homes in the cold weather.

However, even in March the weather still turned cold with snow hitting the streets of Welshpool and the hub remained open during these days, as Cllr Howells addressed in his report.

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He said: “The hub is still open on a regular basis, including on the days where we saw heavy snowfall.

“We didn’t have a huge turnout on those days as I suspect people struggled to get out to us in the bad weather, but we felt it was important to remain open as in weather like that a resource like the Warm Hub is needed more than ever.

“As the weather has improved there’s fewer people coming in but regulars still make use of it as a drop in community hub.

“I’m not sure where this where this will go in the next few months, as with warmer weather there’s less use for it, but I’m still happy to run it in some form, as are the volunteers who help us to put it together each week.”