World Book Day changes lives through a love of books and reading.

The charity operates in the UK and Ireland with a mission is to promote reading for pleasure, offering every child and young person the opportunity to have a book of their own.

Reading for pleasure is the single biggest indicator of a child’s future success – more than their family circumstances, their parents’ educational background or their income.

The charity aims to see more children, particularly those from disadvantaged backgrounds, with a life-long habit of reading for pleasure and the improved life chances this brings them.

Designated by UNESCO as a worldwide celebration of books and reading, World Book Day is marked in over 100 countries around the globe.


Yesterday saw hundreds of children from across Powys, and their parents and teachers, embrace the spirit as the youngsters ventured to school dressed as their favourite literary characters.

The County Times shares some of the wonderful pictures.

County Times: Kath Liddle shared a picture of Evie dressed as Zoe from Frozen.

Kath Liddle shared a picture of Evie dressed as Zoe from Frozen.

County Times: Nerys Rogers shared a picture of Kylie the carnival fairy.

Nerys Rogers shared a picture of Kylie the Carnival Fairy.

County Times: Sarah Evans shared a picture of seven year old Connor from Newtown as Buzz Lightyear.

Sarah Evans shared a picture of seven year old Connor from Newtown as Buzz Lightyear.

County Times: Angharad Poston shared a picture of Sleeping Beauty and the tiger who comes to tea.

Angharad Poston shared a picture of Sleeping Beauty and the Tiger Who Comes to Tea.

County Times: Sian Bennetts shared this picture of Fflur and Saffir from Rhayader as Mary Poppins and a school girl from Harry Potter.

Sian Bennetts shared this picture of Fflur and Saffir from Rhayader as Mary Poppins and a school girl from Harry Potter.

County Times: Lucie Smith shared a picture of a monster and Ash from Pokemon.

Lucie Smith shared a picture of a monster and Ash from Pokemon.

County Times: Elaine Lewis shared a picture of Goldilocks and the three bears.

Elaine Lewis shared a picture of Goldilocks and the three bears.

County Times: Shan Price shared a picture of Eli and Noah Bujok as the Mario Brothers.

Shan Price shared a picture of Eli and Noah Bujok as the Mario Brothers.

County Times: Emily Price shared a picture inspired by the book Lambing Time.

Emily Price shared a picture inspired by the book Lambing Time.

County Times: Sharon Rogers shared a picture of Roman dressed as Zog.

Sharon Rogers shared a picture of Roman dressed as Zog.

County Times: Liz Williams shared a picture of her grand-daughter Isla as Sky.

Liz Williams shared a picture of her grand-daughter Isla as Sky.

County Times: Sharron Okupski shared a picture of Emily from Newtown as the Queen of hearts.

Sharron Okupski shared a picture of Emily from Newtown as the Queen of hearts.

County Times: Hollie Lloyd shared a picture of Thing One and Thing Two.

Hollie Lloyd shared a picture of Thing One and Thing Two.

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