People in the Welshpool area are being asked to give their views on a Natural Resources Wales plan to manage local forestry.

The plan would see ancient woodland restored to large parts of Breidden Forest and the creation of new woodland corridors to allow native species to spread across the area.

The main objective of the plan is to create a stable supply of timber for the area, as well as preserve the forest for its environmental importance.

Natural Resources Wales is holding a public consultation to provide residents with the opportunity to influence the future management of the forest for the next 10 years, which will run until November 22.

Glyn Fletcher, senior land manager for Natural Resources Wales, said: “A well planned and managed forest makes sure that everyone and everything benefits.


“By striking the right balance we can ensure that local biodiversity and the environment can benefit while we also create beautiful places to visit and productive places to produce sustainable timber.

“We want people who live in the Welshpool and Breidden Forest area look at our plan and to give us their views on it. The plan is not confirmed, and we may make changes based on feedback.”

The plans can be read and responded to by visiting NRW’s consultation website on or they can call 0300 065 3000 and speak with one of the Senior Land Management Officers.

School Wheelathon

MORE than 40 children took part Welshpool’s Church in Wales Primary School’s sponsored ‘Wheelathon’, an hour-long trek on wheels around the school.

Held on October 11, the challenge saw children and some parents have a set of wheels on a track set up at the school building.

The event was organised by the Friends of the School as a fundraiser for Church in Wales Primary.

Pupils used a variety of vehicles, from bikes to scooters and even a few roller-skates, as a way to keep wheeling around the school for the full hour.

Galahad Longshadow, the School’s Community Governor, also supported the wheelathon by bringing along his Triumph Tiger XR motorbike for children and parents to sit on for a voluntary donation.

He was also representing DocBike, who gave a financial donation, a charity working to prevent motorcycle deaths through engagement and education.

The event was also supported by Sidoli deserts, who donmated chocolate brownies to the participants, and Rowton Castle Country Club who loaned the school a spin bike.

A spokesperson for Church in Wales Primary School said: “

It was great to have the opportunity not only to raise money but to spend time with families and friends of the School whilst having fun and exercise.”