KNIGHTON Men’s Shed is re-opening its doors from next Monday, May 17.

Men's sheds or community sheds are non-profit local organisations that provide a space for craftwork and social interaction. The movement originated in Australia as a way to improve the health and wellbeing of older men. In effect a ‘men’s shed’ is a larger version of the typical man’s shed in his garden. A place where he feels at home and pursues practical interests with a degree of autonomy.

“Finally, we are going to be allowed to re-open the shed,” the group posted on their Facebook page.

“We will be opening our doors on Monday, May 17, at 10am. There will be a QR code check in linked to the NHS Covid-19 app in the entrance vestibule. Because of limited space we would ask all visitors to wear a face mask and use the hand sanitiser provided in reception. Thank you in anticipation for your custom.

“Now out of lockdown the men’s shed will also be manning a stall at the Knighton Community Hall Market on Saturday, May 22. Come along and see what we have for sale, it will be great to meet people again and have a chat.”

Known as ‘The Knightoneers’ the shed meets to offer companionship, company and interaction for men of a like mind to interact on a variety of projects.

The reopening of the shed ties in nicely with this week being Mental Health Awareness Week, an issue that has affected so many of us during lockdown.

Knighton Men’s Shed was first formed at Teme Mill in April 2016. It is situated in Station Road, Knighton, right on the bend before crossing the river to the railway station. They are affiliated to the UK Men’s Shed and Cymry Men’s Shed organisations.

Knighton Men’s Shed is a group of likeminded men that share tools and resources to work on projects of their own choosing, at their own pace and in a safe, friendly and inclusive environment. It is place of skill sharing, informal learning and a place of leisure where men come together to interact and get involved in individual pursuits and community projects.

The Knighton Shed has to raise funds to continue to run. These funds are raised through annual subscriptions and making things that can be sold at fairs, car boot sales and local trading outlets. In the main the Knighton shed has evolved into a full joinery workshop in which members make items for sale in their small shop. The tool renovation and sharpening service is in high demand and brings in a good income.

They have also been lucky enough to have fantastic community support from many local groups that have made donations. In return they try to help in the community by offering services to other organisations that need help.

Among other things members have made geo cache boxes along the Offa’s Dyke footpath, playground items for the Little Peoples Playgroup in Presteigne, built sheds for the children’s play group at the community centre in Knighton and another shed at Castle Ring woods for Knighton Community Woodlands Group.

Membership is open to anyone. It does not matter if you have no practical skills. You may have other ideas that the shed could implement to benefit the community as a whole. The shed is aimed mostly at men but if they share the same ideas, women are more than welcome to join.

The shed is open every Monday and Wednesday from 10am-2pm. Annual membership is £10 with a £1 entry fee for members making items for the shed and £2 for members working on their own products using shed equipment.

As well as the Knighton Community Market on Saturday they will also be displaying their products at the Hymns Open Gardens, Kinnerton, in aid of the National Garden Scheme, on Saturday and Sunday, July 3-4.

For further information visit the website or contact them on 07925357782 or email